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Hitachi Pump Inverters

Booster/Lift Stations
Advantages over constant speed
systems including: reduced energy
consumption, constant pressure
supply, improved system control
and operation, steady-state flow,
water hammer, reduced wear and
damage to system components, and
increased pump life.

Crop Irrigation
Flow and pressure adjustments
are made easier by focusing on
water management and controlling
pump speed. Over-utilization of
water supply and fertilizer can also
be avoided

Geothermal Systems
Earth’s ground can be used as
an energy source in many ways
when harnessed to provide
environmental cooling and
heating–including generation
of power.

Ground Water Submersible Pumps
Pressure loss do to broken pipe? The Hitachi Pump VFD, will help you stay ahead of problems you may run into.
Remote areas are tough to track. Sensors mounted through out your system
will keep you alerted.
SJ-P1 Series Inverters
WJ-200 Series Inverters

Water Tower Tanks and Storage
Maintain even water pressure
distribution in the pipeline by
controlling water level in the tank.
The P1 and Wj200 has you covered across the board, from simple to complex applications.

Centrifugal Vertical Turbine Pumps
No matter the pump type,
The P1 or WJ200 has the perfect
pump program already installed. Enough PID loops to control and
protect your investment.

Desalinization Process Plants
In this very uncertain world that keeps changing around us . Its nice to now that processing plants are creating new ways of providing drinking water. The Hitachi Pump VFD, is on the front line helping with this process.

Golf Course Irrigation
Hitachi submersible pump motors are used in golf course applications. The perfect combination, would be to use a Hitachi Pump VFD.
The WJ200 and the P1 are the perfect combination.

Water and Waste Water Treatment
Drives provide the means to regulate all parts of the process from mixers, RAS pumps, chemical feed pumps, blowers, aerators and other critical pumping equipment. The New Hitachi Pump VFD can help with: Disruptions, fluctuations, and uneven flow in the process of treating water can strain the entire system.

Industrial and Parks Green
As the world around us is getting smarter, it benefits the municipalities to have tools at their ready like the P1 and Wj200. When unhooking from city water and submersing pumps into two retention ponds saved an
office park thousands of dollars
in the first six months.

the new pump inverter from Hitachi
The SJ-p1 is the most advanced inverter yet, with its new intuitively designed LCd color removable operator panel
it is the perfect VFD for your complex pump jobs.
The WJ200 Series (Sensor Less and Vector Control)
Pursuing the ideal compact inverter solution. Renders excellent performance and easy to operate.
A solid unit with many accessories to meet your needs
for all your pump applications.